Being a newborn and pet photographer, babies and pets are obviously pretty important to me. They're my livelihood! Helping babies and pets that are in need is also incredibly important to me. If you follow this blog, you probably know my friends and I do a fundraiser walk every year to raise money for the rescue dogs and cats at the Kent Animal Shelter. We decided this year we’re going to double the fun and the impact by walking in the March for Babies fundraiser on April 28th at Jones Beach in Wantagh, NY. Donations from the walk will go to fund research for premature births and help families who have babies in the NICU. My friend Dina’s son Dominic was in the NICU for 6 weeks (read about his story here) and she said that the March of Dimes gave her and her husband so much support while they were dealing with the nightmare of having a baby sick in the NICU. If you'd like to donate, share our fundraiser, or start your own, check out our team page here!
AuthorLaura Paesano Categories
January 2025